Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ls-show The Desity Of Cl2 Gas Is 3.165 G/L. Show That The Molar Mass Of Cl2 Is 70.91 G/mol?

The desity of Cl2 gas is 3.165 g/L. Show that the molar mass of Cl2 is 70.91 g/mol? - ls-show

I assume that the density recorded at normal temperature and pressure (STP). If so, we also know that the volume of one mole of any gas is 22.4 L.

Let's increase the density of a 22.4 and a look at the units:

3.165 g / L x 22.4 L / mole =?

Please note that I will be stopped, so we g / mol.

The answer is: 70.8 g / mol, which is to find the molecular weight of Cl2 in the periodic table.


saturns_... said...

3.165g / L x 22.404L/mol (STP @ a) = 70.91g/mol

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