Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ultrasound Of Lymph Nodes In Arm Confusion With Painful Left Arm Axillary Lymph Node Flare Up?

Confusion with painful left arm axillary lymph node flare up? - ultrasound of lymph nodes in arm

It was made after an ultrasound on a painful blow on his left armpit. The pain has suddenly become twice in recent months. My doctor suggested it was a cyst, but ordered an ultrasound to remove the lymph nodes. The imaging technology has found it difficult to something, but finally found a small lymph nodes in the region. He said that one should not worry because she was small and that my body reacts to an infection. Could not a cyst, but the lymph node was just "there" too? Not all nodes appear on an ultrasound or just swollen? I ask because I saw 2 doctors in my office this GP. The first diagnosis of the lymph nodes, the second was diagnosed with a cyst. She said it was not deep enough to be a lymph node. Now I'm kind of confused. I am also worried because my mother Hodgkin's disease before further 5 years. Luckily, she is in remission. I have this on all the CDs that I saw and never seem to worry about him.


littlost said...

What you can do now is keep an eye on him. If it swells to another doctor to see and have it checked. I. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and so I have found. No doctor, I found the song that became a mass market and therefore a swollen lymph node. Keep an eye on him and good luck.

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